Robinson Double Zip Handbag 

I can admit it and say that I am absolutely obsessed with Tory Burch. Her designs are effortless, classy. and speaks to every woman! I knew I had to have one of her bags. Yes she is pricey.. but I have found out that you get what you pay for! If you want something to last, why not take the plunge and buy something that will last you for years! 

I just received my first Burch bag and I wanted to do a review on it for you guys!  This bag is the Robinson Double Zip Handbag in the color Luggage. 
What I love:
-The is made out of heavy duty leather for ultimate self life.
-The gold zippers and the Tory Burch logo.
-It comes with straps that you can use- so it has multiple ways that you can use it.
-SPACE SPACE SPACE!  you have a lot of areas that you can put your things, so you don't feel like you have to pick and choose. 
- The bag isn't too big or too small.. it is just RIGHT! 
-It came wrapped up in a cool signature cloth bag.

Halloween is approaching in less than a week and you don't have a clue what you want to be! well I give you some simple "Do It Yourself" costumes that you can find in your own closet!! 


All this look is:
-A simple yellow dress
-Used pink lipstick for the cheeks
- Black Eyeshadow for the nose
-High ponytail

Rosie the Riveter 

All this look is:
-a blue button up
-high wasted jean shorts
-red lipstick
-and I used a blue polka doted head band (she usually is seen with a read one, so I used what I had in my  
accessories cabinet!)


All this look is:
- A long white dress
-Fur vest
-headband that I made out of lace 
Okay.. so all of you problem know by now how obsessed I am with NYX make-up. Over the weekend, I went into ULTA and they had NYX eye shadows on sell for $2.00 each! (which is AMAZING for this brand) I also decided to get other products to add to my collection! I will be playing with different looks for Halloween and other special occasions!



Left: Rocky Mountain  Green JUMBO eye pencil 
Right: Hot Red Jumbo Lip Pencil 

 Left to Right:

Vanilla Sky
Autumn Sky 
Hot Crystal
Exotic Green


 Matte Bronzer 005

So let me start out to say that I have an obsession with buns! I pretty much where my hair in a bun everyday because it is the easiest route to go..AKA.. I am lazy. Yesterday, I wanted to find a different type of bun because I am getting tired of the typical "sock bun" look. So I put my hair in a pony and I went for it! I love the messy look of my creation. It is casual and it says to people "I'm not trying to hard." You can have a lazy day and still look cute! even if your hair is all messy and tasseled!  

To Get This Look:
All I did was put my hair in a hight pony tail, flipped my head over and teased the outside of my pony tail and started twisting it around the hair band until I got the desired bun! then pin down the ends until secured and SPRAY SPRAY SPRAY!

Items You Need To Get: 
- Hair bow
-Hair Spray
-Teasing Comb

It's crazy to think that it is almost that time to start pulling out or getting that new winter coat! Here are some of the latest trends for the Winter 2014 season! 
1- Half-leather and Half -wool. This is the latest trend to hit big time! you can see it in leggings, skirts, and of course jackets! This trend is nice for someone that does not want to wear all leather and is good for the person that likes to add a little bit of "edge" to their outfit. 
2- The "boyfriend" coat. I call it that because it is a take on old "gentlemen's" coats. They are big, long, and slouchy. This trend is good for someone that is taller and that likes their coat to stay opened. Pair this with a skirt/dress to show off the outfit! 
3- The military jacket. This is one trend that really never goes out of style! each year there different variations and it only gets better! 
This palette could be used for an everyday look, or it could be used for your Halloween Make-up! This palette from M.A.C is designed by the legendary special FX Make-up Artist, Rick Baker, who did movies such as "The Exorcist" and "American Werewolf in London!" to get the look that I have above- follow these 6 simple steps! 

1. Use #1 for your Lid- brush it all over your lid into the crease.
2. Use #2 for your crease- brush it on your crease from side to side up on to your brow bone. 
3.Use #6 to outline your crease- take a crease brush and use it from the corners of your eyes onto your crease. Take a blending brush and BLEND!
4.Use #3 for your lid- take a small brush and lightly tap it on your lid.
5. Use #1 for your brow-lightly tap it on the top part of your eye.
6. To complete the look- use a thin lined liquid liner and a bright pink/or red lip! 

This is one of my favorite palettes. The colors are fun and vibrant! it is a must have for any make-up collection! but HURRY! it won't be here for long! xoxo

Trying to find that outfit that can transition warm to cold weather? Well what we have here is a high wasted leopard print pant with a long sleeve black shirt. When I go outside, I can instantly put on a leather jacket to give it that edge! and of course you can't forget about the accessories. I am wearing a white "bowed" belt, and a black and gold chain necklace with black flats! This outfit can also be worn with a scarf for colder days, and combat boots!  You don't have to discount the clothes that you think can't make it through the colder season. Just pair it with a jacket and boots! 
Being a student is hard work. Trying to figure out how to manage your school work with extracurricular activities can be difficult task at hand. Here I give you a few tips on how to have a stress free week at school!

Specific goals provide both motivation and focus, identifying a target for our actions.
Goals must be crisp and clear, measurable by time and date. 
Vague Goals:

“I’m going to be a better student this semester”
“I’m going to study more”
“I want a better GPA”

Specific, measurable goals:

“Every Tuesday and Thursday, in the 90 minute gap between my English and History classes every, I will review my Biology flash cards and generate new flash cards.”
“Every Monday and Wednesday morning, I will work out from 7:30 to 8:30.”
“I will review and type up my History notes each day after class."

Focus and Concentration:

Maintaining focus is a success skill which proves challenging for even the most capable students
When you are trying to seriously engage your academic work . . .

  1. Find a place to study that you use only to study.  Treat it as a place of action and attention, free from your usual electronic or social distractions.
  2. Eliminate noise and sound distractions.
  3. Close out all computer programs except the one(s) you need for the immediate task at hand.
Name: Brittany North
Major: Political Science
Year: Freshman
What do I like about fashion?
That it expresses individuality. I love to wear black jeans, combat boots, and a cute comfy sweater! 

Fashion is all about taking risks. Brittany is one girl who loves to take risks! from her shear white shirt- to her bright printed pant, she knows how to make a statement! 
Wearing red lips is like my go-to staple. I think it is glamours and brings an outfit that extra flair!  but a lot of people tell me that they can not wear red lip stick. I think this is wrong.. almost any can wear red lip stick. It is just how you wear it and the color! I always go for the deepest red and sometimes the red with a hint of pink in it. The thing is, when you wear red lipstick, you can not wear crazy eye makeup. I always stick with the natural palette of browns and golds. It is all about finding your color and what works best for you!!  XOXO