Are you trying to find that perfect gift? well here are 5 tips that will help you get the BEST.CHRISTMAS GIFTS.EVER! 

1.Make the present an event. 
Get creative with the packaging! Rather than just handing them a gift in regular wrapping paper, think of the gifting experience as an event--and you want to make sure they enjoy it

2. Make a list of all the things the person is interested in and things that define who they are. Make this list long--spend at least two full minutes writing down as many things as you can. Now brainstorm something to go with every item on that list, small or big. You don't have to give all of those gifts, but you're going to hit on some cool ideas you wouldn't have otherwise, and when you combine a few of them, your giftee will appreciate how personal and thoughtful you were

3. Do some stalking. If all else fails, stalk. Most people have a wishlist on Amazon, and they'll be pretty surprised and delighted if you somehow found just the thing they wanted without even asking--and that they may have even forgotten they wanted themselves. Look through their Facebook history for clues

4. Include a little bit of yourself. Make it personal in a different way--personalized from you rather than for them. Create a piece of art, write a song, knit a scarf--you get the idea. Combine this with one (or more) of the above suggestions for an ultra-personalized gift.

5. Make them laugh. I always give gag gifts. So find something that will make them laugh out loud!